Closeup of a chalk line on a grass field


HERE is a list of the confirmed athletes. 


There will be four race classifications for males and females.
PARA Race - As per the ASAA Guidelines
Junior - Under 16 as of September 1, 2021
Intermediate - Under 17 as of September 1, 2021
Senior - Under 19 as of September 1, 2021
  • Entry and Eligibility Forms: All athlete registrations will be submitted by the zone secretary via the google sheet. All Athletes and Coaches must complete the Acknowledgement and Waiver form linked below and submit it to their Zone Secretary. Zone secretaries will be contacted in regards to the registration procedures. Each zone is allowed to send 10 runners and all entries must be submitted by Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 4:00pm. All registrations must use the specific google sheet provided. For access or questions please contact Shawna Pearman cell number 403 704-3314 and email
  • Accuracy of Registration: It is each zone/school responsibility to ensure their athletes are properly registered on ExNet. Zone coaches are urged to double check their registration sheets for the six race categories to ensure the athletes information is accurate (spelling of the name, race category, and school classification: 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A. PLEASE USE THE TRACK & FIELD SCHOOL CODES. (ie. Wetaskiwin Comp. Should be WECO) 
  • Add/Scratch: There will be no changes to the zone registrations after Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 4:00pm. Any athlete that scratches after Wednesday, Oct. 13 will not be replaced and the athlete/school/zone is still responsible for the entry fee. 
  • Fees Zones: Zones will be required to enter the number of athletes going on the team order form online. The entry fee is $15.00 per athlete (this will include the ASAA Loonie Fee). Fees are to be paid at the race site registration building - Woody's Trailer on Saturday, October 16th by the zone coaches with the cheque issued by his/her respective zone. PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO CASAA
  • Athlete/School Bib pick up: Coaches can pick up their school packages on Saturday at the Woody's trailer. School packages will by zones.
IMPORTANT - All attendees (athletes AND coaches) are required to complete an Acknowledgement and Waiver form. Individuals who do not complete this form will not be permitted at the event.