Large group of runners beginning a cross-country race in a field.


Enoch Cree Nation and Kitaskinaw Education Authority are pleased to offer several cultural experiences alongside the ASAA High School Cross Country Running Championships. 

Opening Ceremonies

The ASAA XC Championships will be opened with a Grand Entry where dignitaries from Enoch Cree Nation, maskêkosak kiskinomâtowikamik school, Enoch RCMP and special guests will enter cultural grounds carrying the Nation and school flags. The Grand Entry will mark the beginning of the ASAA XC Championships. Coaches are invited to participate if they choose.  

Cultural Area 

Four tipis will be set up in the cultural area located beside the start area. Each of the tipis will have activities and everyone is welcome to check out the activities and to go in the tipis for photos. 

Tipi Teachings

A tipi raising ceremony led by an Enoch Elder and knowledge keeper will take place in the cultural area and spectators and athletes are welcome to watch and/or participate. 

Elder Tipi

This tipi will have Enoch Elders telling stories, reading books and drinking tea. Please come in, say hi and ask any questions you may have about maskêkosihk culture, language and experience. There will be fluent Cree speakers in this tent. 

Traditional Games Tipi

 maskêkosak kiskinomâtowikamik schools traditional games team will be on hand to demonstrate Indigenous traditional games. Athletes and spectators can try the games and compete against each other. 

Hand Games Tipi

Hand Games are a culturally based competition that have been played for centuries by Indigenous Peoples. There will be an expert hand games instructor teaching how hands games are played. 

Home Fire 

Fire is one of the ways to start a ceremony or any sacred event. A home fire will be lit at the opening ceremonies and will be watched over by a fire keeper. A sacred fire is built by Indigenous people who are gathering for an event, ritual, or ceremony. The firekeeper will build, maintain, and watch over the fire so that it is never unattended for the duration of the event. 

Traditional Dancers

Durning the races Enoch singers and dancers will be on hand to demonstrate the beauty and athleticism of traditional Indigenous dances. Dancers will be dressed in traditional regalia. 

Traditional Singers

Singers and drummers will perform in the opening and closing ceremonies as well as during the races.