Mountains and trees surrounding Lake Louise

Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

Lightning Safety:
The warning system for any lightning in the area will be 1 long blast of an air horn. Play is suspended immediately; players are to mark and leave their ball and all persons are to return to the Clubhouse or nearest shelter as quickly as possible. Players will wait at the Clubhouse for further instructions to return to their playing position. When players return, a single blast of the horn will indicate safe conditions for golf and play will continue.

Lighting Do’s and Don’ts
Maintain a distance of 5 meters apart if in groups.
Stay away from metal objects, including your vehicles, machinery, metal fences, etc.
Move away from water.
Crouch down in a depression or low area.  When crouching, remain kneeling, bend forward and put your hands on your knees.
Inform all workers of the potential of adverse weather if predicted by local weather forecasts.
Inform workers of the emergency procedures if they hear thunder or see lightning.

Don’t stand near tall structures.
Don’t take shelter under sunshades or trees or in small camp buildings.
Don’t take shelter next to water bodies, electrical lines or metal fences.
Don’t use washroom facilities, or electrical appliances.
Don’t remain standing in an open area – lightning strikes the tallest object.
Don’t lie flat on the ground.

Medical Emergency Response:
The threat of a player being struck by an object on the course is a real threat. If an object does come in contact with a player while on the course they will be assessed and one of the following actions will be taken:
Lloydminster Golf & Curling Center - (306) 825-5494 - Press #1 for Pro Shop
Rolling Green Fairways - (780) 875 - 4653 
Step 1 – First Aid
If an injured person is discovered; appears the injuries are not life-threatening, call the Pro Shop for a First Responder to attend the scene. They will have a First Aid Kit and come to your location. They’ll determine if the injury is serious enough to activate step 2. 
Step 2 – Call for EMS Assistance - 911
When injuries appear critical or have anything to do with BRAIN, HEART, OR LUNGS Call 911 and give them any information you have about the emergency.
State you’re calling from Lloydminster Golf & Curling Center or the Rolling Green Fairways and your name, and the hole you are on
State there is an injured individual that requires EMT, or may be having a heart attack.
Then call Pro Shop for assistance, First Aid Kit and/or the AED.

Typically, the ambulance will know where to go however someone could meet the EMTs at the building entrance and escort them to the injured individual. Pass on any information you know regarding the condition of the injured person.

Fire or Severe Damage to Golf Course Buildings:
In the event of a fire or alarm all patrons of the building will be directed by one of the staff to the designated exit which is safest to exit. Once outside, patrons will then proceed to a muster point until emergency services have been called and deemed it safe to re-enter the building.

Muster Points:
The Muster Point for the Lloydminster Golf & Curling Center is in the parking lot.
The Muster Point for Rolling Green Fairways is in the parking lot

Nearest Medical Facilities:
Lloydminster Hospital
3820-43 Ave, Lloydminster, SK S9V 1Y5
Phone:  (306) 820 - 6000

Certified Athletic Therapist:
Ashley Fullarton (506) 471-1819
Becky Grassl (780) 808-4021