Mountains and trees surrounding Lake Louise

Information Package

Land Acknowledgement 

We  give thanks for the traditional and ancestral territory that hosts our competition ground today.  We acknowledge the many First Nations, Metis and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for generations.  We are grateful for the stewardship and teachings of Elders and traditional Knowledge Keepers and the efforts of youth and individuals who continue to protect land and language.. Please take this time to acknowledge the caretakers of the land.  The First Nations, Metis and Inuit, and those who share and contribute to the land, the four-legged, two legged, fin, feathered, crawlers, trees, plants, water, sun and moon.  This script is an acknowledgement of the historical relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities on Turtle Island, and is a call to action to walk together towards reconciliation.

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