Registration Information:


Entry Forms:
Entries must be completed by the ZONE SECRETARY (or designate) and emailed to Vernon Schmid at
Officially, the Zone Secretary is supposed to use MileSplit (to allow Vernon as the Competition Secretary to download the entries from MileSplit); however, it is VITAL that the Zone meet have the correct divisions (including the division number). So in order to minimize the risk of something in the new MileSplit environment not working as expected, the Zone Secretary should ALSO SEND THE ADVANCERS FILES CREATED FROM MEET MANAGER.  

For those Zones with non-school specific relay teams, email the Relay Teams information separately, including A or B Team, the athletes’ name, (birthday if not already in another event), school and school code. Please DO NOT add athletes to the Zone relay ‘school’ – athletes need to remain defined to their registered school in order for relay points assignments to work correctly.
Individual schools and athletes DO NOT submit a registration form.
The following entry procedures will be strictly adhered to for all entries. Additional information is contained within the technical package in the following pages.

Entry deadline is Monday, May 29th, 2023 @ 4 p.m.

No athlete additions will be accepted after NOON on Wednesday, May 31st, 2023.
(including relay alternates - see additional notes below for clarification)

Athlete event changes/additions/deletions for registered athletes only will be allowed up to and including competition days. Only the Zone Secretary, designated Head Coach or Assistant will be allowed to make changes. Please ensure that you email your changes as they come in, to Vernon Schmid & Michelle Ross,; and . Any deletions after Noon on Wednesday, May 31st will be considered “no shows” (see below); however, event substitutions (using registered athletes) can be made without penalty on either competition day providing they are made one (1) hour prior to the scheduled start for the event.

Additions and changes during the meet must be made using the scratch/add form available in the Results area (green building, upper concourse) at least one hour prior to the scheduled start time for the event.  Forms are included in this package and will be available at the coaches meeting and daily at the Registration Table.
NO SHOWS:  In the event an athlete(s) fails to show, the offending athlete’s school will be penalized $50 per no show to a maximum of $250. The ASAA Executive will have the sole discretion to impose the penalty based on the rationale provided by the school for the late withdrawal (ASAA Policy Handbook – page 44).
Additional Notes:

  • Preference is that all additions be created by using the "Export Advancers" function in Meet Manager using the zone's results database, then sending the file created as an attachment.  Special entries for some events will be handled by separate email (eg. Zone composite relay teams).
  • Ensure all relay teams being entered have athletes indicated for relay names.  (The more information that is complete when submitted to the Competition Secretary, the more the announcers can perform research before the meet regarding athletes of any particular interest.)
  • For Composite Zone Relay teams, be sure to indicate the school (with code) for each athlete.  This will ensure that the athlete’s school is awarded the appropriate points.
  • The advancers file exported from Meet Manager is a ZIP file, something sometimes blocked by school or school board electronic mail or security systems.  When you send an attachment to , please copy your personal electronic mail address on the message, send, then check your personal electronic mail.  If you did not receive the electronic mail message, neither did the Competition Secretary.
  • When you make a request, please include all of the needed information (i.e.:  athlete's full name, date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD format), gender, school and zone, and event(s)).  The Competition Secretary does not have access to your zone meet databases and, therefore, does not know the date of birth (and other) information needed to add an athlete who was not included in the original advancers list from your zone meet.
  • Scratches:  When you send a message regarding a scratch, please be clear whether the athlete is to be "scratched from the entire meet" or "scratch only from the event" (and indicate the school and zone).  Clarity will allow the Competition Secretary to know whether you are keeping the athlete in the meet for other purposes (e.g.:  perhaps as a relay alternate).

Zone Results:  The announcers are always interested in having a copy of zone results for their research purposes.  Please post a copy of your full zone meet results in PDF format and send either the link for it or a copy of the document to the Competition Secretary (Vernon Scmid). 

  • Entry Lists and Performance Lists:  It is vital that your coaches and athletes check EVERYTHING, every time the documents are updated.  (The meet involves a stunning number of adds, changes, and deletes.)  Similar consideration for the "live results" page.
  • Note for Athletes:  PLEASE take the time to verify your results using the "live results" page (or the posted result sheets).  The best time to bring result-related concerns to the Results Team's attention is then and there (at the meet), not "later" and not "tomorrow". Protests not submitted within 30 minutes of an event’s results being posted will not be considered.


  • Two (2) entries are allowed per zone in all events.
  • Four (4) Para athletes per category and gender are permitted; only the top 2 scoring athletes are able to score for their school; athletes who compete in Unified are allowed to compete under T20 Para Category
  • Three (3) Unified teams per zone are permitted to compete at provincials; all teams must compete at their zone championship to qualify for provincials.
  • Each zone may enter an A and a B team for all relays. The ‘A’ team should be the faster of the two teams.
  • Each competitor may enter a maximum of four (4) events. Relays are considered an event.
  • Competitors in the 4x400 open relays can be Junior, Intermediate, or Senior.
  • One alternate can be listed for each relay team. That alternate must have competed in the zone championships (any event) and is only permitted to participate in a relay if required and is not permitted to substitute for any athlete in any other event. This change must be made one hour prior to the event.
  • Races up to and including the 400m and the 4x100 m relay will be divided into two (2) preliminary semi-final heats with a maximum of one zone athlete (team) per heat. All lane assignments for heats will be random. Advancement to an event final will be determined based upon the top three from each preliminary heat and the next two fastest times. Lane assignment for the 4 x 400 relay will be random with one zone team per timed final.
  • The 800m race will be run with two athletes per lane using a staggered start and a cut in zone at the first curve.
  • All competitors in throwing and horizontal jumping events will receive three (3) trials. The top eight (8) competitors from the first round will advance and receive three (3) additional trials.

Competition numbers will be assigned numerically starting with #1. Numbers will be assigned by Zone and alphabetically by athlete. Order of assignment is: Calgary, Central, Edmonton, North Central, North East, North West, South Central and South.
Numbers must be worn by ALL competitors.
All lane finish races have the number on back (400 m or less). Non lane finish races have the number on front and the 4x400 last runner should also have the number on front.
Numbers on the back for: pole vault
Numbers on the front for: throws, horizontal jumps and high jump.
Hip numbers will be provided at the Marshalling Area for all track events as required by the marshal, including the Para events. Note: An athlete’s competition number will be their accreditation for accessing the competition areas.
The entry fee will be $23.00/competitor ($22.00 Entry plus $1.00 “Pay It Forward ASAA Scholarship” Fee)
The total amount per zone will be based upon the zone final entries as of Wednesday, May 31st.
Two (2) cheques must be submitted per zone to the Provincial Chair in the multi-purpose room on Friday of Provincials; both will be made out to METRO EDMONTON HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. One cheque is for entries; the second is $100.00 and is to cover one (1) appeal made by zone based upon an official’s ruling and the protest procedure being followed. Additional appeals must be accompanied by $100.00 cash.