Dean Rook

Dean was involved in education for almost forty years and in his time has fulfilled many roles including colleague, teacher, coach, administrator, and Executive member of the ASAA. Throughout his career he has supported the ASAA in various capacities such as school coach, administrator, zone secretary, zone president, ASAA basketball commissioner and ASAA President (twice!). In 1983, he was the recipient of the ASAA’s Routledge Award.

At the school level, as an administrator, Dean ensured his coaches adhered to the ASAA processes and did things right. At the zone level, Dean made sure that the zone’s activities always connected and were in sync with the provincial activities. He always made himself available to assist new coaches and athletic directors in the zone. Dean also led by example by coaching, hosting zone tournaments and provincial competitions including co-hosting a Provincial Track and Field meet on a six lane shale track in Fairview. All his events were exceptionally well run.

Under Dean’s leadership on the ASAA Executive, the ASAA underwent two significant changes in eligibility, the 19 yr old policy (his first term), the 3 year eligibility policy (his 2nd term); contentious but well supported changes. Throughout the eligibility transition and other trying issues, Dean continuously demonstrated a high level of integrity and respect for process, keeping the ASAA’s values at a high level. His high respect for process, held the association in good stead.

“In all the years I have known Dean; he has been a proud member of the ASAA and been a stellar representative. He truly reflects the values of integrity, ethics and sportsmanship and is respected by all who have met and worked with him.” ~Marg McCuaig-Boyd