Don Maxwell

Don Maxwell has held various Administrative positions in his 35+ years as an educator with the Calgary Board of Education. Don was the Athletic Director at Henry Wise Wood (1986-1988), and Queen Elizabeth (1988-1994). He was the Athletic Director and Assistant Principal at Ernest Manning (1994-1996). While at these schools in Calgary, he also coached football, basketball and volleyball. In 1996, Don assumed the position as the Secretary-Treasurer for the Calgary Senior High Schools Athletic Association (CSHSAA), and continued in that role until 2001 when he retired from CSHSAA. His next role would be as Sessional Instructor of Education at the University of Calgary, becoming a University Associate to teaching students for five years. During this time, he was asked to work for the CSHSAA once again. This time he would be stepping in as Executive Director in 2008 for a short period. Throughout the years, Don has continued to assist the CSHSAA on any committee work that requires his knowledge and expertise. He also continues to volunteer his time with various ASAA events.
“Don Maxwell has been a selfless, tireless worker for all things athletic, for the the city of Calgary and the province of Alberta.” ~Rob Lederer
“Don would be a wonderful addition to the group of previous honourees; he is well-deserving of the stature as one of the ASAA athletic giants, upon whose shoulders we all stand.” ~Rob Lederer
“Through the progress made in provincial athletics and various challenges that caused the CSHSAA and ASAA to work closely together, Don and I became great friends. Don is a great leader who, in his quiet and unassuming way had the ability to impact school sport for the better. He commands great respect amongst his peers.” ~John Paton, Executive Director, ASAA~