Ian MacGillivray

While teaching in the North East for over 30 years, primarily at Ecole Mallaig School, Ian has coached over 200 teams at the elementary, junior high and senior high school levels. The teams span from cross country, volleyball, basketball, curling, badminton, team handball, track & field and even non ASAA sports, fastball and soccer. During this time, Ian has coached over 100 teams to district, zone and provincial championships including six consecutive ASAA Cross Country Provincial Championships. Not only has Ian brought Championship Banners back to his home gym, but his commitment to sportsmanship is evident in the several Sportsmanship Banners his teams have earned at provincials. Not many coaches, if any, can boast of winning provincials in four different sports.

Ian’s commitment and passion for coaching is evident in everything he does and in the stories students share. Many of his former athletes have gone on to pursue teaching and coaching careers and fondly recall lessons learned from “Mr. M”. It is evident that the schools and teams in which Ian was a part of have adopted his inclusive approach to sport. Many of Ian’s athletes have gone on to great things, but one in particular, after participating in Ian’s volleyball program, went on to represent Canada in sitting volleyball at the Para-Pan Am Games in Brazil (with Ian and his wife Cathy there as self-funded supporters).

“Over time Ian developed an inclusive athletic program at Ecole Mallaig Community School. The “no cut” philosophy has had a lifelong impact on countless individuals who have witnessed or have been a part of the program.” ~ Luc Gratton, Assistant Principal, Ecole Mallaig Community School

“Ian has always coached with good sportsmanship in mind, always maintaining the integrity of the sport and dignity of his players as his top priority.” Denis Jodoin, Former Principal, Ecole Mallaig Community School.