John Bauer (Official)

John has always been an active individual, participating in all sports when he attended high school. When he was teaching, he decided he wanted to give back. He has refereed volleyball for 43 years and basketball for 25 years. He has enjoyed seeing the game of volleyball evolve into the fantastic sport it is today and he’s happy to see the effort that young athletes display in making spectacular plays.
He tries to provide an unbiased playing field and make the same calls on the same kind of play whether it is early in the match or at a crucial place near the end of the match. He strives to enforce the rules of the game; so that the safety of all participants occurs.
His greatest memory was the 3A Boys Basketball final in Sherwood Park in 1989. The game was so intense and went back and forth finally going into ovetime. The crowd was extremely vocal and totally into the game. He has always enjoyed attending ASAA Provincial Championships which he has done over 40 times.
He feels that officials are the third team on the court without whom the game would not happen; That great officials have the ability to communicate at all levels, players, coaches and fellow officials. Great officials also understand the rules and know how to apply them in all situations. They have the responsibility to create a fair and safe environment and know when you have to put all aside and make the tough calls regardless of the outcome.
John feels very honored to receive this very special award amongst so many great candidates dedicating their time to officiating high school athletics. He will always cherish his memories as an official and would like to thank the ASAA for this award.