Rob Poole

Rob has worked tirelessly with over 26,000 students in his roles as coach, advisor, physical education teacher, and teacher-librarian at Harry Ainlay High School! I have enjoyed becoming his close friend as we coached the Senior Men’s Volleyball Team together in our first year and won the city and provincial championships! I believe that I have enough first-hand experience to recommend Rob Poole to you as an outstanding educator and excellent role model. He is worthy in every way to become a member of the ASAA Hall of Fame.

He excels in teaching teamwork and lifelong learning. He has positive decision-making skills. The youth he has mentored have enjoyed the opportunity to grow into mature, informed young citizens who care about the world around them and are equipped to shape their world constructively. He possesses a clear understanding of students and the pathway to success. His mastery of communication skills has brought Rob great success throughout his professional career.

Rob is dependable, honest, enthusiastic, and creative. He is qualified in every way to be recognized as one who has had a tremendous influence for good upon our society. His maturity and poise have impressed me, especially while in the line of fire. His leadership roles have demonstrated his commitment to the team. As a friend and as a colleague, I am grateful for the professionalism Rob has displayed throughout his career and the impressive lessons of character he has taught by example. He is the consummate clutch player and everyone can lean on him without fear of rejection or ridicule.

Rob Poole is an outstanding role model and everyone who has had the privilege of being touched by this ‘giant among men’ has appreciated his contributions to making our world a happier place to live!
(Excerpts from the nomination letter written by Gane Olsen)