Parking & School Venue Information

All venues are smoke-free facilities.  Smoking or vaping is not allowed in the building or on school property.  

Athletes and spectators should not be wandering through the halls at any of the venues.  Please keep noise to a minimum in the hallways during school hours.

Central AB Christian HIgh School (CACHS) and Lacombe Composite High School (LCHS) are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.  Please inform your teams to take care of their personal belongings.

Parking Information - Lacombe Composite High School
Parking Don’ts:
  • Absolutely NO parking on the ring around the high school before 4:00pm on Friday.
  • Absolutely NO parking in student parking lots to the East and West of the staff parking lot until 4:00pm on Friday
  • No parking in front of the school until after 4:00pm on Friday.
Parking Do’s:
  • After 4:00pm Friday and all day Saturday, feel free to park anywhere around the school.
  • Before 4:00pm Friday, park along 56th Ave or 56 St. to the South of the high school.

Parking Information - Central AB Christian High School
  • CACHS is located in a residential neighborhood and being neighborly is our priority.
  • No parking on driving on grass.
  • Staff parking is located on the South side of the school, farcing the school & reserved for staff only.
  • All other parking spots are available on a first come basis.
  • Buses are to park in the West parking lot or on the street.  No buses in the South parking lot.