Emergency Action Plan

Emergency Protocol
  1. Dial 911 and give address:
  2. W.P. Wagner High School
  3. 6310 Wagner Road NW
  4. Edmonton, AB
  5. T6E 4N5
  6. 780-469-1315
  7. Explain to dispatch the nature of injury or incident
  8. Report back to teacher / coach / committee members
  9. Meet ambulance 
When an Injury Occurs
  1. When coming in contact with the injured student/athlete, take control and assess the situation.  Exercise universal precautions related to blood and body fluids.  
  2.  Do NOT move the injured person.
  3.  Send someone to get the onsite First Aid help.
  4.  Assess the injury – evaluate the severity of the injury and decide if further assistance is required. 
  5.  If an ambulance is not needed, decide what action is to be taken to remove the injured party from the playing surface.
  6.  If an ambulance is required – request that another person call 911. Have them report back to you with estimated time of arrival and send them to the entrance to wait.
  7.  Observe the injured party carefully for any change in condition.
  8.  When the ambulance arrives, describe the incident and what has been done.
  9.  An adult should be designated to accompany injured party to the hospital.
  10.  Contact the parent/guardian of the injured athlete/student.

Nearest Hospital 
Grey Nuns Community Hospital 
1100 Youville Dr W Northwest
Edmonton, AB  T6L 5X8

Fire Alarm and Evacuation Procedures
Fire alarms may be activated as a result of:
  • a planned evacuation drill.
  • accidental, mischievous or dangerous actions.
  • a fire, explosion or chemical spill in the building.
Note: All alarms are to be treated as emergencies.  As soon as the alarm sounds, a
complete evacuation of the building will commence unless the principal or
designate cancels the evacuation using the public address system.

  • All guests within the school will leave in an orderly fashion.  Please move to a location well away from the building, to the main street sidewalk area.  It is vitally important to keep clear of the doorways and to leave clear access to the building for firefighters, police or other emergency personnel. In the event that we are dealing with inclement weather and it is necessary to stay out for a long period of time we have the option to request that ETS dispatch buses to provide shelter.
  • The last person in the room will check to see that everyone has left the room and that the doors have been closed.  Do not lock doors and do not switch off the lights.
  • When it can be determined that the building is safe to be re-entered, an announcement will indicate the "all clear" (1 long bell) for re-entry into the building
Lock Down Procedures
A lock down may be activated as a result of:
  • a bomb threat
  • threatening persons
  • emergency situations
  1. All guests who may safely leave the school will do so in an orderly fashion.
  2. Persons who are unable to leave the building will attempt to find a safe place (ie: washroom, storage room, classroom) in which they may remain silent and out of sight.
  3. Lights should be turned off in the designated area and blinds should be closed. 
  4. Individuals within the school should refrain from using the classroom phone and their personal cell phones.
  5. When it can be determined that the building is safe, an announcement will indicate the "all clear" (said three times by a designated individual).
  6. If the fire alarm is triggered during a lock down, do not leave your safe place.