
Sportsmanship Awards


One sportsmanship banner and Perpetual Plaque will be given to one team at the
ASAA Provincial Cheerleading Championship. The team receiving this award will
represent the true spirit of sportsmanship, integrity, ethics and fair play.
Each team present at Provincials will be asked to select a team that best exemplifies
the qualities of sportsmanship throughout the competition. Posters will be displayed
around the competition area with a QR code which will lead coaches to an online
form. This will provide coaches with the ability to nominate a team based on their
team’s decision. The rationale in having the teams select the award winner is that
they interact with one another throughout the two-day event and will have the best
insight into which teams are truly sportsmanlike.

Teams will vote for one team and the Host will tally the votes on Saturday before the
end of the competition. The final decision is at the discretion of the ASAA rep and the
Committee Chair. Sportsmanship pins will be given to individuals who exhibit
outstanding displays of integrity, fair play and good sportsmanship. These pins may
be given to players, coaches, parents and spectators. These individuals should be
recognized for bringing positive presence to the championship and demonstrating
consistent exemplary sportsmanlike behaviour. Recipients of a sportsmanship pin
should show exemplary behaviour.

For Individual Sportsmanship pin awards, nominations will be collected through the
an online form. To nominate an athlete, official, or fan from another school scan
the QR code that will be posted around the event as well as on the ASAA
Championship Website and fill out an evaluation on how this individual “Sets the
Bar” for others including what sets them apart. Nominators must be from a different
school than the nominee, and must have at least 2 of the criteria indicated in the
nomination form to be considered. Recipients should be those who raise the
standard and set the bar for others to strive for in terms of sportsmanlike and
positive sporting behaviour.