
Please see 'Order of Performance' Tab for the order and times that each team will be competing. 

Friday, April 5th, 2024

Competition Day 1
 ** All times are subject to change, please follow the schedule posted with the Order of Performance on the ASAA host website**
4:30 PM                 Team registration
Registration for teams will be in front of the east gym. Busses may drop off athletes at the shipping and receiving doors in the main parking lot.
*Please do not show up prior to this time as there will be access to the school and no one available to check in your team
4:50 PM              High School / ASAA Captains meeting
5:15 PM              Spectators may gain entry to the gym
*Please inform spectators NOT to show up prior to this time as they will not be permitted entry.
5:40 PM                Warm-Up Begins (team photos will be taken prior to warm-up)
6:00 PM                Opening Ceremonies Begins
6:10 PM                Competition Begins
7:40 PM                Competition Ends

Saturday, April 6th, 2024

Competition Day 2
 ** All times are subject to change, please follow the schedule posted with the Order of Performance on the ASAA host website**
8:15 AM         Team registration
8:45 AM        Spectators may gain entry to the gym
9:00 AM         Warm-Up Begins
9:20 AM         Opening Remarks
9:30 AM         Competition Begins
10:30 AM       Competition Ends
11:15 AM       Closing Ceremonies & Awards
12:00 PM      All spectators and teams must be out of the gym and classrooms.